
All Athletes must be “Out of the Way” to allow opponents free access to the playing area. Getting “Out of the Way” must be done quickly. In the BC0 Division ROs and equipment (including the ramp and RO’s chair) must be “out of the way”. If a Side fails to make a conscious or deliberate effort to be "Out of the way", the Side will be verbally warned, and the referee will correct the opponent's time if necessary. If it happens a second or consecutive time, the referee will award a violation according to rule 00.0. This decision should be made according to the referee's own understanding of the situation and whose decision will be final. The opposing Side will then play according to 00.0.0. If a referee feels that an athlete is deliberately delaying a match by not being “out of the way”, a yellow card may be given according to rule 00.0.0.


Omnes athletae debent esse "Ex via" ut adversarios liberum accessum ad ludendi spatium permittat. Questus “E via” cito faciendum est. In BC0 Division ROS et apparatu (including sellam aggerem et sellam RO) necesse est esse “obvium”. Si Latus conscium vel deliberatum conatum facere debet ut "E via", Latus ore monebitur, et referendarius tempus adversarii corriget, si opus est. Si secundo vel consecutivo tempore contigerit, referendarius violationem adiudicabit secundum regulam 00.0. Haec decisio facienda est secundum propriam condicionem referendarius et cuius definitio erit finalis. Pars adversa tunc ludet secundum 00.0.0. Si arbiter sentit athletam deliberate moram parem non esse "a via", card flavus dari potest secundum regulam 00.0.0.

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